Thursday, October 18, 2007

School is overrated

Não fui trabalhar hoje. Gastrite, falta de sono e dor de cabeça me impediram. E pior que eu sei que daqui pra frente vai ser assim. TCC, trabalhos, trabalho e final de ano. Odeio. Não vejo a hora de pegar o meu diploma.

I didn't go to work today. Gastritis, lack of sleep and a headache kept me home. And from here on is downhill. Thesis, school work, work. Hate it. It's driving me insane. Can't wait to graduate and have a good night of sleep.

1 comment:

Tina said...

Ha! I skipped out on work today too! ;) Not that I'm not feeling well, just needed a mental day. I ended up going to the mall and hoping to not run into anyone from work.

Missed Gossip Grl last night. Hopefully they've got the new episode on the website.

Thanks for your your scraps!